
Databases for SME –
tailor made with FileMaker®

Databases for SME –
tailor made with FileMaker®

FileMaker®–simple, intuitive, cost efficient

FileMaker® is an award winning database. It runs seamlessly on a Mac as well on a PC, its available as a single seat setup or in a network it offers the full feature spectrum over the web. FileMaker is also available for iPhones and iPads.

The simple programming and the highly developed design capabilities crown FileMaker® as the most economic and attractive SME database.

Developing skills

Since more than two decades I develop FileMaker applications. Dozens of tailor made application are in daily usage at hundreds of places, reliable and save.

Beeing an educated engineer I offer a most analytical and efficient approach to wrap your demands in a database. I gather inputs as a member of the FileMaker Solution Alliance, daily reading and tutorials as well from colleagues. Find more infos:

The convincing edge of our databases

Simple, simple, simple. The simpler the database, the easier the daily usage for the user and the developer. Cute, logic and clear is not only the surface but also the inner structure, the architecture of the database.

Our developed databases with FileMaker

Screenshots of our lean software

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